Wednesday 22 February 2012

Speak Zone: Spot Event

Speak Zone:
        Speak Zone is a Spot Event, a place where you can show your talent in speaking skills or to exhibit how good you are at speaking/communicating with others.
The Speak Zone consists of three Rounds:
First Round: Doozy
In this round, you can speak about your thoughts that are beneath in your brain or  you can come up with your new ideas which can be a breakthrough, or simply expressing your view on a particular topic or on any general issues within a specified time.
Second Round: Black and White
 In this Round you will be given a topic on spot (before 2mins of your call to speak) and you need to speak on the said topic in both the views i.e. Supporting(White) as well as opposing(Black) within a specified time.
The participants who got good score in the above two rounds will be promoted to the next round.

Third Round: The participants who got through the first two rounds will be eligible to participate in this round.
         The theme of this round will be announced to the participants during registration or at the beginning of the event.
Finally the participants those who show excellence in their Speaking/Communication skills will be Awarded with citation duly signed by the Principal of ANITS, and Head of the Department, ECE.

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